Dear Colleagues,
EMTPJ 2012 is a two-week training program that will take place this year from 3rd to 15th of September in Brussels, Belgium.
After two years of success, Association for international Arbitration (AIA) is proud to announce the third edition of its European Mediation Training for Practitioners of Justice (EMTPJ).
AIA initiated the EMTPJ project in the year 2010, with the support of the European commission and in collaboration with the HUB University of Brussels, Belgium and Warwick University, United Kingdom. It marked the first time since the passage of the EU Directive on Mediation that professionals from around the world have been brought together to be trained as a new class of mediators.
In line with previous training courses, the EMTPJ 2012 program aims to introduce and promote the concept of European mediators in civil and commercial matters.
The course will consist of 100 hours of intensive training sessions including an assessment day.
The course will cover the following essential topics:
ü conflict theory and mediation,
ü intervention in specific situations,
ü theory and practice of contract law in Europe,
ü EU ethics in mediation,
ü analytical study of conflict resolution methods,
ü the stages in mediation process, and practical training sessions
Upon successful completion of the EMTPJ course, students may apply for
accreditation at mediation centers worldwide.
The EMTPJ course is unique because its ultimate goal is to enhance and integrate the different mediation cultures of the EU member states into one, legally sound method of international dispute resolution. It brings together attendees from all over the world, creating a multinational and multicultural environment that fosters exchange of different perspectives, experiences and gives possibility to form a genuine international mediation outlook.
For registration and a more detailed program of the course, logistical information and lecturers, please visit the
For registration and a more detailed program of the course, logistical information and lecturers, please visit the
Additionally, for those applicants, who come from the non-EEA countries, the reduced rate might be applicable.
For more information, please, contact:
The participant fee includes a book compiling the entire training material and lunch on all days of the program.
Best regards,
Johan Billiet
Association for International Arbitration
Avenue Louise 146/9
1050 Brussels
tel: +32 2 643 33 01
fax: +32 2 646 24 31